Would a Gospel Coalition Be Beneficial in Your Part of the World? – Mike Evans

In this episode of TGC Q&A, Mike Evans and Jeong Woo Kim discuss the question, “Would a Gospel Coalition be beneficial in your part of the world?” They address: Why…

Seeking Truth with Sherlock Holmes – Andy Allan

“Elementary, my dear Watson.” Sherlock Holmes reveled in proclaiming his catchphrase at the exact moment Watson (and readers) were completely baffled.  “Baffled” describes me pretty well right now. In 2021…

Let’s Talk: The Holiness of God – Jackie Hill Perry

Do we want to see the holiness of God? The answer may be more complicated than it seems. A glimpse of God’s holiness makes us aware of our own sin.…

Lucy Pevensie, Thomas Watson, and the Precious Cordial of Romans 8:28 – Kathryn Butler

When the cures ran out during my worst days of doctoring, I would pace a patient’s room, loathe the insufficiency of my hands, and yearn for Lucy Pevensie’s cordial. A…

You Say You Want Social Justice? – Justin Dillehay

“With all the division in America today, it’s comforting to know that at least we can all agree on social justice,” said nobody ever.  Given this lightning-rod nature of a…

20 Quotes from Russell Moore on Finding Godly Courage – Matt Smethurst

These 20 quotes caught my attention as I read Russell Moore’s The Courage to Stand: Facing Your Fear without Losing Your Soul (B&H, 2020). You can also hear his recent Gospelbound interview…

Joseph Wept: 7 Strategically Arranged Scenes in Genesis – Mitch Chase

Long before Jesus wept in the land of promise, Joseph wept in the land of Egypt. The narrative arc of Joseph’s story in Genesis 37–50 unfolds with providence, sorrow, vindication,…

How Can I Know My Husband Is Faithful to Me? – T. J. Tims

A wife wrote to TGC: “In view of the many surprising moral failings by seemingly trustworthy men that have come to light recently, how do I know I can trust…

How Does Literature Deepen Our Understanding of Scripture? – Karen Swallow Prior

In this episode of TGC Q&A, Karen Swallow Prior and Jen Pollock Michel discuss the question, “How does literature deepen our understanding of Scripture?” They address: Reading vs. comprehension (:28)…

Economics for Church Leaders: How Minimum-Wage Laws Affect the Poor – Joe Carter

In 2016, the Democratic Party adopted a call to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour as part of the party platform. Now, President Biden is including that proposal…

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