Winner Announcement: ‘What Is the Gospel?’ Song and Video Contest – Brett McCracken

The Gospel Coalition celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. As part of marking this milestone, we decided to host a song and video contest in which we challenged Christian creatives…

How Marriage Vows Work – Joe Carter

One profound privilege of pastoral ministry is officiating weddings. It’s always an honor to be asked by a couple to perform their ceremony and help shape one of the most…

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Conversations with God – Courtney Doctor, Melissa Kruger, Nancy Guthrie

In this episode of The Deep Dish, Courtney Doctor and Melissa Kruger talk with Nancy Guthrie about their prayer lives. They discuss why it makes sense to pray even when…

Coming Soon: ‘Make It Your Ambition: 7 Godly Pursuits for the Next Generation’ – Jeremy Writebol

Imagine your local church 15 years from now. What’s the same? Maybe the facility you gather in. Hopefully, many of the people now with you are still there. People will…

Contextualization in the Late-Modern West – Michael Keller

I didn’t embrace the Christian faith until I was on my own in college. Growing up in a pastor’s home, I was never certain about where my family’s faith ended…

The God Who Is Very Angry (Rev. 14:6–20) – Don Carson

In this lecture, Don Carson discusses God’s wrath, arguing it’s unavoidable judgment, not abstract punishment, as seen throughout Scripture. Carson explores key themes in Revelation 14, including the eternal gospel,…

For God So Loved This Anxious Generation: Signs of Revival on Campus – Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

Over the past few years, we’ve been hearing rumblings of revival on college campuses. To chase down the story, Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra headed to Iowa State University in Ames to…

For God So Loved This Anxious Generation: Signs of Revival on Campus – Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

“Actually, going to Iowa State was a last-minute decision,” said Haywood Stowe. “I remember that whole time of beginning the school year—there’s all these events going on, and people would…

5 Years After COVID-19: A Reflection – Collin Hansen

Five years ago today, we began to realize our world would never be the same. I remember sitting in my living room and talking with small-group leaders from my church…

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