Toward a Theologically Minded Church – Ligon Duncan, Matt Smethurst

Theology is vital for life. We know this as pastors, but do our members? Are we helping them to grow in thinking theologically? In this episode of The Everyday Pastor,…

Cultural Christianity: The Good, the Bad, and the Inadequate – Thiago M. Silva

In recent years, some of the most unlikely voices have publicly acknowledged Christianity’s positive influence. Richard Dawkins, Elon Musk, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Tom Holland—figures once aligned with skepticism toward…

What Haggai Taught Me About Priorities – Samantha Decker

“I can’t. I’m busy!” These piercing words stopped me as they spilled out of my 2-year-old’s mouth. He was happily building a fire station with his beloved Duplo blocks, but…

Alive Together: Free TGC25 Playlist – Brett McCracken

The Gospel Coalition’s 2025 national conference is a special one for many reasons. The conference marks TGC’s 20th anniversary and will feature reflection on TGC’s two decades of ministry as…

6 Things Discipleship Isn’t – Hunter Beless

I didn’t experience true discipleship until my freshman year at the University of Arkansas. There, in the recesses of the student lounge, I connected with a group of older believers…

Reclaiming the Lost Art of Blessing – Tina Boesch

All Christians are called to bless, but do we know what that call means and how it informs the way we relate to our family and neighbors? In this breakout…

Have You Heard the One About the ‘Infancy Gospel of Thomas’? – Andrew Spencer

Dad jokes aren’t particularly good. Most adults groan when they hear “Knock knock.” Yet young children lean in, giggling as they reply, “Who’s there?” Corny jokes don’t survive because they’re…

Winner Announcement: ‘What Is the Gospel?’ Song and Video Contest – Brett McCracken

The Gospel Coalition celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. As part of marking this milestone, we decided to host a song and video contest in which we challenged Christian creatives…

How Marriage Vows Work – Joe Carter

One profound privilege of pastoral ministry is officiating weddings. It’s always an honor to be asked by a couple to perform their ceremony and help shape one of the most…

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