The first time governments imposed business closures in the name of fighting the spread of COVID-19, the job market imploded. Forty million Americans lost their jobs, and at least 20…
Category: Sovereign Nations
The Global Brain | The Causes of Things Ep. 22 – Administrator
Our civilization is in the midst of being transformed, against our volitional allowance, from an analog world of substance, material, and objective truth into a digital world of data, alchemy,…
‘Tyranny Without a Tyrant’: Hannah Arendt on the Root and Growth of Violence – Desmond Berg
Image by Mstyslav Chernov It’s funny how peaceful all this recent protesting for change has been. In fact, it’s so peaceful that average Americans, trying to go about their lives…
George Soros-backed DA Charges Couple with ‘Hate Crime’ for Painting Over ‘Black Lives Matter’ – James Manning
Contra Costa County, California, District Attorney Diana Becton, who was backed by left-wing billionaire George Soros in 2018, has charged a couple with a “hate crime” for painting over a…
America’s New Religion Is Social Justice – Dr. Josh Buice
In 2019 I was invited to Washington D.C. to speak at a special event organized by Sovereign Nations in conjunction with CPAC – the conservative political action conference of American…
What a Virus Does | The Causes of Things Ep. 21
How does a virus operate? What does a virus do? It should be no mystery why Bill Gates is currently involved in epidemiology and vaccine research. He knows exactly what…
Protest or Revolution? The Historical Crossroad at Which We Sit – Desmond Berg
Photo by Annette Bernhardt It appears that propaganda, not education, is officially the aim of America’s higher education institutions. That seems to be the message in “315 College Deans Tell…
Statue Destroyed Of Famed Black Abolitionist Frederick Douglass On Anniversary Of Notable Speech – Desmond Berg
A statue of famed black abolitionist Frederick Douglass was destroyed at Maplewood Park in Rochester, New York, over the weekend, which comes on the anniversary of a notable speech that…
Get Ready to Be Canceled – Desmond Berg
Photo by Tom Hilton The speech police are knocking at your door, and there is a new standard in town. It’s called white privilege. The left has already taken control of speech…
Systemic | The Causes of Things Ep. 20
Whenever you hear phrases such as “systemic injustice” or “systemic racism” try to stop, pause, and consider what is being suggested by the person weaponizing these terms. What is being…