SC school board settles lawsuit with atheist group over student-led prayer at graduations

Months after a court awarded an atheist group $456,000 in a lawsuit against a South Carolina school district for holding graduation ceremonies with prayer and hymns, Greenville County School District…

Franklin Graham: ‘I tend to believe’ President Trump when he says election was rigged, stolen

Evangelist Franklin Graham, who has been a supporter of President Donald Trump, said he tends to believe the president when he says the 2020 presidential election has been rigged or…

Christian ethicists make the case for getting vaccinated against COVID-19

As ethical questions raised by COVID-19 vaccines have left many Christians wondering whether they should get vaccinated, three Christian ethicists have offered answers based on some primary considerations believers may…

ERLC answers moral questions about taking COVID-19 vaccines created by testing on cells from aborted baby

The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention has cautiously answered the question of whether it’s ethical for Christians to get the COVID-19 vaccine after some pro-life…

DC mayor loosens worship restrictions on churches after archdiocese files lawsuit

Mayor Muriel Bowser issued an executive order to allow churches to have in-person services with up to 250 people days after the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., filed a…

Virginia faith leaders urge Gov. Northam not to enforce new law requiring them to ‘violate’ religious convictions

Forty Virginia faith leaders have signed onto a letter urging Gov. Ralph Northam and state legislators not to enforce a new law that would require residents to violate their religious…

Rapper Lil Nas X tells pregnant fan to get an abortion, insists it was a joke

Following criticism from the pro-life community, a rapper is alleging that his suggestion that a pregnant fan should have an abortion was a joke. The Christian Post | RSS Read…

The Christian Post’s top 10 news stories of 2020 (part 1)

2020 was a year unlike any other we’ve experienced in our lifetimes. COVID-19 upended the lives of many Americans as 15 days to slow the spread turned into nine months…

The Christian Post’s top 10 news stories of 2020 (part 2)

This ranking of CP’s top 10 news stories of 2020 was determined by CP’s editors. They are a reflection of both what interested our readers and what the editors believe…

40 women sue Pornhub for profiting off their exploitation

Forty women are suing Pornhub, claiming the pornography site profited off their exploitation as victims of sex trafficking.  The Christian Post | RSS Read More

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