Kimberella — Four Phases of Interpretation

In the quite checkered history of the detailed reconstruction of Kimberella, we can distinguish four distinct successive phases. Source Read More Evolution News

James Tour: “Molecules Don’t Care About Life”

Blowing smoke is what science media and even scientists themselves do a great deal of the time when they talk about the origin of life. Source Read More Evolution News

Webinar: The Promise of Design Triangulation

For the past few years, I have been telling myself, and students, “Conceive of design as a scientific theory as if Charles Darwin had never lived.” Source Read More Evolution…

In Cells, Proofreading and Repair Testify to Intelligent Design and Foresight

Like a skilled workman, the cell maintains “An array of tools, each one finely tuned.” Source Read More Evolution News

Kimberella — Interpreting the Fossils

One of the few features that are uncontroversial is the body size: The fossils measure usually 1-5 cm in length. Source Read More Evolution News

Ouch, Huge Sky Survey Shows No “Alien Technosignatures”

I say “ouch” on behalf of materialists, atheists, and Darwinists. Ten million stars and not a hint of alien civilization. Source Read More Evolution News

Free Speech and Intelligent Design’s Warning

The censors came for us first, and no one protested. Now they’re coming for you. Indeed, they are coming for Charles Darwin himself. Source Read More Evolution News

When Alfred Russel Wallace Spoke to Me

I had what Pasteur called “the prepared mind” to take in what Wallace had to tell me. Source Read More Evolution News

Paul Ashby on Thermodynamics, Information, and Life’s Molecular Machines

I particularly appreciate how his arguments complement my own analyses addressing the origin of life. Source Read More Evolution News

Famed Biologist Jørn Dyerberg Explains His Turn to Intelligent Design

If, like me, you’ve got a bottle of fish oil capsules in your refrigerator as a health supplement, you can thank Dr. Dyerberg. Source Read More Evolution News

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