Money, Sex, and Gender

“We both wanted to play with guys, build forts and have snowball fights and play army… She played with my toys: Tinkertoys, dump trucks.” Source Read More Evolution News

Excerpt: Letter to the Journal of Chemical Education

Unlike philosophy journals — or high school newspapers — many science journals are unwilling to publish responses by people attacked in their pages. Source Read More Evolution News

Listen: Darwinism, Bioethics, and Human Rights

Wesley Smith explains why we need to take the threat of the anti-humanism movement seriously. Source Read More Evolution News

Biologist Raymond Bohlin on Behe’s Mousetrap: “This Collection Is a Treasure”

Says biologist Raymond Bohlin, the book is a “gift to anyone passionately interested in biological origins and the debate over Darwinism and design.” Source Read More Evolution News

Is It a Boy or a Girl?

Parents with a new baby are almost always asked, “Is it a boy or a girl?” And the answer is almost always one or the other. Source Read More Evolution…

Preview: James Tour Asks Brian Miller About Ice, Entropy, and the Origin of Life

Dr. Tour wants to know: “This is the origin of life. How did that first living system form?” Source Read More Evolution News

A Physician Describes How Behe, and Intelligent Design, Changed His Mind

There’s no better tribute to the power of ideas than a changed mind. Erik Strandness is a physician in Spokane, WA, practicing neonatal medicine. Source Read More Evolution News

Behe: The Case for Intelligent Design Grows with Science

Evolution’s proper place of study has moved from gross anatomy and population genetics to biochemistry. Source Read More Evolution News

Excerpt: Darwinism and Design

Much of the difficulty here arises in the differing standards that different disciplines have for what constitutes an “explanation.” Source Read More Evolution News

Preview: James Tour, Brian Miller on the Origin of “Data Risk Management” in DNA

If computer scientists build systems like that, and life at the DNA level also incorporates them, for the very same reasons, that’s rather suggestive. Source Read More Evolution News

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