Missing the Point: Codes Are Not Products of Physics

Elaborate schemes to explain the origin of the genetic code from the laws of physics and chemistry miss the whole point about codes. Source Read More Evolution News

Determinism: “An Irrational Rejection of Evidence”

German theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder takes even human choices to be merely an illusory experience. Source Read More Evolution News

Intelligent Design Mugs? We’ve Got Them

For our biochemistry geeks, one mug contains both the periodic table of elements and a DNA-amino acids codon wheel. Source Read More Evolution News

Ixnay on the Ambriancay Plosionexhay

Shhh — don’t say it. The geological event, well, not “event,” as in something that happened about 541 million years ago…we don’t talk that way anymore. Source Read More Evolution…

“Resolution Revolution”: Intelligent Design, Now at the Atomic Level

Breakthroughs in imaging are allowing scientists to see iconic molecular machines in unprecedented detail. This will be a great boon for design science. Source Read More Evolution News

Matti Leisola: Michael Behe “Opened My Eyes”

To say that a writer “opened your eyes,” and to something as profound as the design of life, is a fantastic tribute. Source Read More Evolution News

“Our 20th- and 21st-Century Ptolemaic Epicycles”?

I am fascinated by the philosophy of science parallels to similar moves in molecular phylogenetics and systematics. Source Read More Evolution News

“Darwin’s Finches”: Galápagos Islands as an Evolutionary Model

Taking the facts and arguments presented together, it appears to be clear that no macroevolution is happening in “Darwin’s finches.” Source Read More Evolution News

Pushing Elephant “Personhood”

Think cattle herds suing ranchers or lab animals suing universities — not to improve care but to liberate from all human use. Source Read More Evolution News

Podcast with Michael Behe: “You Can’t Deny the Data Forever”

The Lehigh University biochemist addresses misconceptions about irreducible complexity, and responds to the claim that “molecular machines” is a misnomer. Source Read More Evolution News

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