Egnor: Disturbing Questions About Consciousness

Think about this next time you are put under general anesthesia, which I hope neither you nor I will be anytime soon. Source Read More Evolution News

Flowering Plants and Common Descent

If this accurately reflects the argument in the primary research paper, it provides a beautiful example of common descent as axiomatically true. Source Read More Evolution News

Two Meanings of “Creation”

A friend passes along this from Fr. Robert Spitzer. The meanings of “creation” are double, at least. Source Read More Evolution News

The Tragedy of Eukaryote Evolution

Think of all the upset feelings, frustrated longings, misunderstandings, and more entailed by the fact that male and female humans constitute separate genders. Source Read More Evolution News

More on Avi Loeb’s Approach to Design Inferences

Loeb’s argument represents the most salient example of risky intelligent design reasoning in mainstream science. Source Read More Evolution News

Juggling Terms to Maintain the Illusion of Darwinian Selection

Evolutionists do not mind if selection goes forward, backward, up, down or sideways, as long as Darwin’s honor is maintained. Source Read More Evolution News

Now Another State Wants Non–Physician-Assisted Suicide

Hot on the heels of Washington State, it’s Hawaii. A bill has been filed to allow nurse practitioners to lethally prescribe. Source Read More Evolution News

Sewell: Top Five Evidences for Intelligent Design

Mathematician Granville Sewell describes how atheists often argue that scientists cannot appeal to design since they cannot explain the origin of the designer. Source Read More Evolution News

Share Alfred Russel Wallace on Intelligent Design

If just one new fact could be conveyed to every college student learning about the development of evolutionary theory, I’d say that should be the one. Source Read More Evolution…

Darwinism and Critical Theory — The Connection

“Strange that it may seem, Darwin plays a central role in this drama. Karl Marx himself credited Darwin with much of his basic insight into human history.” Source Read More…

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