Excerpt: A Reply to Michael Ruse

Let me tell a little story about blood clotting, Russell Doolittle, and Michael Ruse. Source Read More Evolution News

See It Now: James Tour and Brian Miller on Explaining the Origin of Life

They cover abiogenesis and “Natural Selection of the Gaps,” systems biology, design triangulation, whether life could arise anywhere without design, and more. Source Read More Evolution News

Delaying Puberty, or Destroying It?

For children with gender dysphoria, blocking puberty is not just buying time. It is more like a point of no return. Source Read More Evolution News

Michael Behe: Battle of the Mousetraps

Behe used the common mousetrap to illustrate irreducible complexity, showing how various mechanical contrivances need all of their main parts to function. Source Read More Evolution News

Origin of Life: Jeremy England’s Search for a Natural Explanation

If I had written this book, I would have concluded with a final chapter that began with a verse from the book of Genesis. Source Read More Evolution News

On Delaying Puberty

The pituitary gland produces hormones that stimulate the ovaries in girls and the testicles in boys. Source Read More Evolution News

“Compelling,” “Thorough”: Biochemist Russell Carlson on Behe’s Mousetrap

“Over the years Behe has received a mountain of criticism, all of which has been answered by him in letters to the editors of journals, newspapers, and blogs.” Source Read…

From Physicist Jeremy England, a Deeply Insightful Book on the Origin of Life

England begins by describing how his book interweaves the discussion of the science of life with his Orthodox Jewish faith. Source Read More Evolution News

The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl

So he chose to call himself David, after the Old Testament king who slew Goliath. Source Read More Evolution News

Determinism: A “Bizarre Position” Held by Scientists “with Great Confidence”

If it’s true, then all one says or thinks — right or wrong, true or false — was determined some 13.8 billion years ago. Source Read More Evolution News

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