In the Name of “Academic Freedom,” a Scientist Calls for Punishing Creationists

The practice has a sordid history. There’s always a rationale — for example, in labeling Israeli businesses, or those doing business with Israel, to be avoided. Source Read More Evolution…

Are Head Transplants Soul Transplants?

The question of the disposition of the soul depends on what we mean by “soul.” Is the soul a thing somewhere in the brain, so to speak, or in the…

Job Opening at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture

Why not look for a job that allows you to do something you love, while making an important impact on the world? Source Read More Evolution News

God Hypothesis: Meyer Performs “Gigaton Task,” Says Burgess of Cambridge and Bristol Universities

A gigaton, in case you wondered, is a measure of explosive power, “how many billion tons of TNT would be needed to produce the same energy.” Source Read More Evolution…

To Build a Body Plan, Start with a Plan

What is a body plan if there is no plan behind it? It is not a body but a blob, a formless plop of biological matter. Source Read More Evolution…

Evolution & ID in a Nutshell — Going Strong One Year On

Andrew McDiarmid and Eric Anderson discuss both the praise and criticism the book has received. Source Read More Evolution News

“Canceled” Physicist Eric Hedin Explores the Boundaries of Science

Robert Crowther and author Eric Hedin begin by revisiting the atheist attack on Hedin and his Ball State University course, “The Boundaries of Science.” Source Read More Evolution News

Another “Junk DNA” Icon Bites the Dust

Casey Luskin examines a paper which argues that the famous beta-globin pseudogene is functional. Why is this pseudogene famous? Source Read More Evolution News

Michael Ruse on Purpose: A Conflicted Response

Whatever else might be said of Ruse and his work, like all his books this one is worth having on the shelf. Source Read More Evolution News

Michael Ruse on Purpose: The Flies in the Ointment

Ruse’s chronological snobbery might be forgiven if the claims he makes for Darwinism can be unequivocally substantiated. Source Read More Evolution News

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