This week in Christian history: ‘Rock of Ages’ writer ordained, bombed church reopens

Here are three events that happened this week in Christian history. They include the ordination of the man who wrote the hymn Rock of Ages, the reopening of a black…

The Bible and immigration: God’s people and their long history of migration

Immigration is a crucial part of the biblical story Yahweh created his own people by means of three migrations Abram moved his extended family from Ur to Canaan Jacob moved…

CCP threatens 7 Hong Kong Catholic churches over Tiananmen Square remembrance mass

Seven Hong Kong Catholic churches, which were to hold mass to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre of 1989 by the Chinese Communist Party, found threatening signs posted…

A D-Day epiphany

As I walked among the graves, my mind suddenly shifted to another French beach some 250 miles away Dunkirk There, in 1940, more than 300,000 British troops, with their allies…

In St. Louis, old churches rival Europe’s great cathedrals

Forget going to Europe this summer to see old churches Instead, stay much closer to home with a trip to St Louis Read More The Christian Post | Homepage

California churches celebrate win for religious liberty as state agrees to pay $2.1M over lockdown battles

Churches in California are celebrating their victory for religious freedom after a religious freedom legal group secured settlements requiring the state to pay 2 1 million in attorneys fees to…

Bridging 7 huge gaps in the church

Since my conversion to Christ, I have observed seven serious gaps in the Church If not corrected, these gaps will significantly limit the ability of the Church to fulfill the…

Progressive is a misnomer

It has been said that he who frames the debate wins the debate I think the progressives were brilliant to coin this term But in reality, it s one big…

Kellogg’s introduces LGBT-themed cereal for ‘Pride Month’

As our culture uses Pride Month to proclaim that love is love, let s use it to teach our children and grandchildren that God is love 1 John 4 8…

‘My world fell apart’: School chaplain accused of terrorism over LGBT sermon

A school chaplain who was fired from his job and reported to the government s counter-terrorism watchdog for delivering a sermon questioning the school s LGBT policies, says in a…

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