Herman Cain still alive with coronavirus despite rumors of death, team confirms

Nearly one month since he was hospitalized with COVID-19, former Republican presidential candidate and businessman Herman Cain, 74, is still alive and receiving treatment despite online rumors of his death, his…

Senators ask Trump to restrict COVID-19 relief to states that keep churches closed

A group of Republican U.S. senators have asked President Donald Trump to withhold COVID-19 relief from states that wrongfully keep churches closed amid the pandemic. Read More The Christian Post…

Senator Hawley’s Frustration: Future SCOTUS Nominees Must Acknowledge that Roe v. Wade was Wrongly Decided

Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley once clerked for Chief Justice John Roberts. But after Roberts joined with the liberal wing of the Court recently in overturning a Louisiana pro-life law,…

HUD Moves to Protect Women in Homeless Shelters – Transgender Activists Call This ‘Discriminatory’

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a proposed rule that allows local single-sex homeless shelters to establish their own admission policies. The change would prevent women’s…

John Lennox: What (Not) to Expect of Artificial Intelligence in 2084

A key question as we move toward this future, says Lennox, is what does it mean to be human? Source Read More Evolution News

The Media’s Mistreatment of Melania Trump

First Ladies of the United States are usually universally lauded by the media, and their projects and fashion normally receive overly fond and supportive coverage. That hasn’t been the experience…

SCOTUS Rejects Lawsuit from Nevada Church, Permits Casinos Greater Reopening Capacity Than Churches

The United States Supreme Court has rejected a request for temporary relief from a Nevada Church that sued Governor Steve Sisolak, D, for permitting casinos to operate at 50% of…

Many “Miracles”: Navigation Arose Independently Across Diverse Animal Species

From sea turtles to the family dog, animals travel unerringly over long distances using geophysical cues. And it all evolved by chance! Believe that? Source Read More Evolution News

The question no one asks about God and Hell

When you study theology, you’ll come to a field called ‘theology proper’, which is a deep-dive into the attributes of God. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Pro-lifer on mission to paint Baby Lives Matter in front of Planned Parenthood clinics across US

Over the weekend, a pro-life activist painted a blue and pink mural displaying the phrase “Baby Lives Matter” in front of a Planned Parenthood in Washington, D.C. The Christian Post…

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