How important is John Lewis’ legacy?

John Lewis lying in state in the Alabama State Capital in Montgomery, where Gov. George Wallace had proclaimed, “Segregation Now! Segregation Tomorrow! Segregation Forever!” is a powerful image for people…

Building the post-pandemic church: Actions of the Jesus Church (part 3)

As we stand on this side of the pandemic gash in time and history, we must be careful where we set our gaze. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

The question no one asks about God and Hell

When you study theology, you’ll come to a field called ‘theology proper’, which is a deep-dive into the attributes of God. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Christians, politics isn’t a dirty subject to avoid

Growing up, I sometimes found myself getting along better with non-Christians because it seemed to me as if they were passionate about issues, even if I didn’t agree with them…

John Lewis: An American treasure

Until the end of his life, Congressman Lewis never strayed from his bedrock, foundational belief that the nonviolent power to forgive was redemptive to all concerned — victim as well…

Building the post-pandemic church: Providential plagues (part 2)

History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme, as Mark Twain reportedly said. So, there is a distinct “rhyme” between what was happening in the age of Cyprian and…

The race problem needs more free speech not cancel culture

When it comes to addressing racism in America, not enough is said, so unfortunately not enough is done. Right now in our country, there is a strong “us versus them”…

Science gets canceled by post-truth culture

Watching the once-safe truths of science now fall to personal preference is a reminder of the cognitive dissonance and strong rebellious spirit inside all of us. Read More The Christian…

Solving the mystery of why Donald Trump was elected president

However, no cryptanalysts have been able to decipher the mystery of Trump, because they are looking in the wrong places. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

The death knell of The New York Times?

Bari Weiss paints a grim picture of political correctness and cancel culture run amok at the Times. She tells of her work colleagues calling her a “Nazi” and a “racist”…

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