Two keys to understanding God and evil

“Is He willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is impotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Whence…

Evangelical sex scandals and our false holiness

As a former Muslim, one of the most appealing aspects of Christianity is that God commands monogamy.  So it especially pains me seeing the numerous sex scandals pouring out of…

How to resist the ‘new chaldeans’ and the ‘cancel culture’

“I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston phone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members…

Ask Dr. Land: Why do many progressive public policy initiatives seem to hurt the poorest?

It would seem to me that the lesson we should learn from the unintended consequences of these recent progressive policies is that we must look with a hard eye at…

The dangerous cult of neo-segregation

At every turn we’re being commanded to check our color, check our privilege, check our to-do-lists of guilt-oriented tasks. Corporate America has taken genuflection to a whole new low. Read…

Churchill, the New Chaldeans, and the cancel culture

Sadly, the Cancel Churchill crusade is now underway. Perhaps President Biden did not intend it, but his removal of a Churchill statue from the Oval Office recently could be interpreted…

Crossing the road of racial divide

Importantly, Black History Month is about more than just a month, and it is about more than just history. Black History Month is about our future. Read More The Christian…

Ask Dr. Land: What is President Biden’s pro-abortion blitz doing to America?

The continued mass slaughter of our unborn citizens, approximately 25 to 30% of babies conceived each year in America, now for almost half a century, has devalued all human life,…

Does your faith have to ‘work’?

Jumping in the swimming pool is a logical necessary condition for getting wet and getting wet is a logical necessary condition of jumping in the swimming pool. Read More The…

The Lord of time and the ‘doomsday clock’

The scientists comprising BAS try to tell us what to expect on the way to “Doomsday”. In the Olivet discourse, the Lord of time and history prophesies the historical trajectory…

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