Planned Parenthood to Benefit After Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down HHS Rule Prohibiting Family Planning Clinics from Referring for Abortions

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down a 2019 rule from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) designed to prevent taxpayer funds from being…

Senators and Representatives Call for the End of Federal Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

In a letter to President Donald Trump, members of the Senate and House are asking the government to stop the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, which requires the…

Trump Administration Ends Funding for ‘Anti-American Propaganda’ in Government Agencies

The Trump Administration recently announced that it is cutting “millions of taxpayer dollars” which is spent by federal government agencies to train government workers to “believe divisive, anti-American propaganda.” Russ…

‘We are Not Closing Down this Church!’ California Pastor Takes to YouTube to Tell County to Stop Imposing Fines for Holding Worship Services

Jack Trieber is the Pastor of North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California. Like other churches in California, he has been dealing with government orders prohibiting indoor worship services…

California Legislation: Transgenderism, Abortion and Removing Mandatory Reporting for Some Cases of Statutory Rape

The California Legislature ended its session by passing a slew of harmful bills. We’ve already written about legislation on its way to Governor Gavin Newsom’s office that exempts some people…

Trump Campaign Reveals 2nd Term Agenda: Fully Defund Planned Parenthood, Appoint More Judges

The Trump campaign has released an agenda for President Trump’s potential second term should he win reelection this November. This agenda includes appointing more judges to the nation’s highest courts…

Animator Becomes Target of Campaign of Hate and Loses Business After Refusing to Create LGBT Image

Emily Arant has been drawing characters since she could hold a pencil and crayon. Throughout the years, her business as an animator and artist has become so successful that she…

Abortion and Planned Parenthood Exposed

If I told you I had an exodontia appointment today, during which my bicuspid would be extracted from my alveolar bone, you may not know what I’m talking about. In…

12-Year-Old Boy Assaulted by Woman for Pro-Trump Sign, Police Say

Police are investigating reports that a 12-year-old boy was assaulted by a woman in Boulder, Colorado for a pro-President Donald Trump yard sign. Reports say that the young boy was…

California Bill Removes Mandatory Sex Offender Registration for Some Sexual Acts Between Adults and Minors

The California Legislature passed Senate Bill 145 (SB 145) on August 31, a law that exempts some people convicted of certain sexual offenses with minors from having to register as…

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