Police Captain Spends Final Patrol Before Retirement with Rookie Son

The Mesquite Police Department in Mesquite, Texas, witnessed the end of a 33-year career for one of its police captains – and the start of a tour for another. The…

Inflation Spikes 5.4% in June, Largest Increase Since 2008

Inflation spiked 5.4% year-over-year in June, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed in its latest “Consumer Price Index Summary” on Tuesday. This means that families will begin feeling a…

Massive Protests Erupt as Thousands of Cubans March for ‘Liberty’

Massive protests have erupted across Cuba as thousands have taken to the streets to march for “Liberty!” Dozens of videos of the protests were quickly posted to social media platforms.…

Hyde Amendment Has Not Been Included in Subcommittee Spending Bill

In a sign of what could be coming, a prominent congressional subcommittee passed a spending bill that did not include the Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayer funding for abortions. It’s…

Vermont Proposing Bill that Would Eliminate Any Rights Preborn Babies Might Have in Order to Expand Medical Experimentation

In the United States, the rights of preborn babies are few and far between, and now the state of Vermont wants to remove any remaining protection these vulnerable lives have…

New Texas Law Takes on HOAs that Prohibit Religious Displays on Front Lawns

A new Texas law that went into effect recently will protect homeowners who put up religious displays on their lawns such as crosses, Nativity scenes and menorahs from overzealous homeowner…

The Sexualization of Education – Chicago School to Give 10-Year-Olds Condoms

Elementary schools throughout Chicago will now be in possession of 250 condoms per year, for all of those precocious and sexually active 5th graders out there. That’s part of the…

Survey Finds Americans Increasingly Report Having No Close Friends – Especially Younger Men

The United States is becoming a lonelier place – especially for young men, according to a survey conducted by the Survey Center on American Life. The May survey found that…

Georgia State Senator Matches with Son in Need of a Kidney Donor

For this Friday’s good news story, we’re heading to the state of Georgia where God’s providence seems to have saved the life of a young man in need of a…

El Paso’s Attempt to Ban Religious Speech Overturned by Federal Appeals Court

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a lower federal court and held that an evangelical Christian named Ryan Denton cannot be excluded from a public event merely…

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