Court Rules that Missouri Can’t Enforce Law Banning Abortion After 8 Weeks of Pregnancy and Abortion in Cases of Down Syndrome

Judges on the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have ruled that Missouri cannot enforce its abortion law, which bans abortion after the eighth week of pregnancy and protects preborn…

Dr. Fauci Tells Chuck Todd ‘Attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science’

On Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci made the dramatic statement to MSNBC host Chuck Todd that “Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.” He explained to Todd, It’s very…

Federal Budget Proposal Describes “Birth Mothers” as “Birthing People”

The White House’s $6 trillion proposed budget includes language straight out of transgender ideology. Instead of describing women who bear children as “mothers” or “birth mothers,” the proposed “Budget Of…

Under Pressure from Activists, DOJ Walks Back Promise of ‘Vigorous’ Defense of Religious Liberty in Title IX Lawsuit

Yesterday, The Daily Citizen reported on the U.S. Department of Justice’s promise to undertake the defense of Title IX’s religious exemption for faith-based schools against a legal challenge from LGBT…

Burger King Takes Aim at Chick-fil-A, Will Donate Profits to LGBT Activist Organization

In modern America, you can’t buy a chicken sandwich without making a political statement. As politics metastasizes into everyday American life, everything has become political. It seems you can’t watch…

New Gallup Shows More Americans Believe Abortion Is Morally Acceptable, But Is That Really the Case?

The latest Gallup poll shows that more Americans now believe that abortion is morally acceptable rather than immoral, which is the first time it has happened since pollsters started asking…

Al Mohler Explains What He Would Do as the New SBC President

Next week, the Southern Baptists will hold their annual convention in Nashville where it will elect a new president to lead the denomination through some very important and difficult times…

Department of Justice Tells Court it will Defend Religious Freedom of Faith-Based Schools

Taking an action that pleasantly surprised defenders of religious freedom, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) this week informed a federal judge that it would undertake the defense of faith-based…

DOE Holds Hearings on Pushing ‘Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity’ in Education

The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (DOE, OCR) is holding virtual hearings this week, June 7-11, “to gather information for improving enforcement of Title IX of the Education…

New Study Shows Therapy to Leave Homosexuality Can Be Effective and Helpful

LGBT activists and their supporters in the mainstream media and health professions have developed a narrative that they proclaim as absolute truth: Any kind of therapeutic or spiritual help for…

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