Huge Lawsuit Against Pornography Giant PornHub for Posting Videos of Minors and Human Trafficking Victims

There’s currently a massive lawsuit against PornHub, one of the largest pornography websites in the world, and its parent company MindGeek. The charges, filed in a civil suit by 34…

‘We Can Pray with Them, Love on Them, and Share the Truth in Love’ – The Importance of Pregnancy Resource Centers

For a mother experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, the idea of raising a child alone or without adequate support can seem overwhelming. They’re thinking about an uncertain future, how can they…

Study Finds Positive Correlation Between Practicing Christianity and Satisfaction in Marriage

A new study conducted by Barna Group found that the importance of Christianity in people’s lives was positively correlated with a higher satisfaction with their marriages. The survey, issued on…

Why Surrogacy is Problematic—Baby Remains in Limbo in the State and Being Raised by Nanny, Who He Thinks is His Mother

A Texas nanny has been raising a Scottish couple’s child for the last 10 months in the United States, after biological parents were unable to secure travel documents after their…

Father’s Day as a Divorced Dad

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, I’m one of over nine million divorced fathers in the United States. My situation is not one that I expected – or wanted –…

IRS Denies Christian Group Tax Exempt Status, Says ‘Word of God’ Affiliated with ‘Republican Party’

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has denied a Christian group tax-exempt status because “the Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican] party.” The group, Christians Engaged, is a nonprofit…

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare (For the Third Time) in 7-2 Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on Thursday morning in a 7-2 ruling. The ACA (colloquially known as Obamacare) is like a cat with…

Nickelodeon Viewership Continues Downward Decline as It Continues Progressive Push in Children’s Television

Viewership of ViacomCBS’ popular children’s cable network Nickelodeon has plummeted as it continues to promote a progressive agenda on many of its shows. Nickelodeon’s Nielsen ratings have shown a strong…

Department of Education Redefines ‘Sex’ in Title IX to Include ‘Sexual Orientation’ and ‘Gender Identity’

The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (DOE, OCR) announced that it was interpreting “sex discrimination” in Title IX to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” The decision by…

Unanimous Supreme Court Upholds Religious Freedom of Philadelphia Faith-Based Foster Care Agency

The U.S. Supreme Court has handed down its decision in the much-anticipated religious freedom case, Fulton v. Philadelphia, which pitted the right to operate a religious nonprofit in accordance with…

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