COVID 19 is an Opportunity to Re-Define the Human Species?

Recently, the world learned that researchers at London’s Francis Crick Institute used CRISPR technology to genetically edit 18 embryos. Around half of the embryos suffered the kinds of major mutations…

“Seeing Jesus from the East”

Recently, in the midst of our national conversation about race, justice, and statues, left-wing activist Shaun King tweeted: “Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is…

Podcast: Intelligent Design and Evolution in a Nutshell

For more than a century and a half, evolution has been the center of a naturalistic account on how everything — the universe, the earth, you and I — came…

Religious Freedom and the Supreme Court

What will be the long-term impact of the Supreme Court’s rulings on religious  freedom this term?  Will religious individuals enjoy the same protections that religious institutions do? John Stonestsreet and…

A Letter to ‘Cancel-Culture’

To do or to say something insufficiently progressive these days risks the wrath of what’s being called “cancel-culture.” A mostly young and mostly online gaggle of so-called “social justice warriors”…

Supreme Court Affirms Religious Institutions Are Allowed to Be Religious

In a somewhat dizzying (but which will be seen, I think, as pivotal) few weeks at the Supreme Court, religious freedom has taken center stage. In two significant decisions yesterday,…

Why Neuroscience Can’t Tell Us About the Soul

In his 1996, essay entitled “Sorry, But Your Soul Just Died,” the late essayist Tom Wolfe predicted that new technologies (such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging or fMRI) would soon…

Pastor or Parrot?

Pastoring is always a difficult job. I can’t think of another job, in fact, in which someone is hired to do one thing (typically, lead and disciple God’s people) but…

Children, the Church, and the Culture War

A few days ago, a colleague shared comments he and his wife get when people find out they have seven kids: “Are they all yours?” “Were they all planned?” “What…

Podcast: Why Does God Care Who I Sleep with?

It might be the biggest stumbling block for modern non-believers: The Christian view of sex. Why, as author Sam Alberry asks in his new book, does God care who I…

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