Inventors of CRISPR Win Nobel Prize, but should we “rewrite the Code of Life?”

The awarding of this year’s Nobel Prize for Chemistry to Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier has been heralded as an incredible step forward for women. For the first time, two…

The VP Debate, the Supreme Court, and Religious Freedom

John Stonestreet and Shane Morris discuss the vice-presidential debate, its tone, the issues addressed . . . and the fly. They also talk about the remarkable statement by Supreme Court…

Why Progressive Christianity is “Another Gospel?”

According to recent survey, nearly a third of self-described evangelicals do not believe that Jesus Christ is truly God. Arianism, as it turns out, is a heresy that plagues multiple…

The Ballot Initiatives of 2020

Presidential candidates get all the love. Just kidding. “Love,” of course, is the wrong word. What presidential candidates get is all the attention. The presidency matters, of course, and voters…

Our Young Daughter Told Us She Is Bisexual . . .

Some tough questions rolled in this week, two of them dealing with family issues. What’s a Christian mother to do when her 12-year old daughter announces she’s “a bisexual,” and…

Our Tax Dollars Still Fund the Destruction of Embryos

In 2001, President George W. Bush limited federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research to already-existing lines of embryonic stem cells. While it wasn’t a complete ban on the research itself,…

Protecting Females in Sports and Just Telling the Truth

Since 2015, World Rugby, the international governing body of a sport with a lot of hitting but little protective gear, has allowed biological males who identify as female to compete…

Protecting Females in Sports and Just Telling the Truth

Since 2015, World Rugby, the international governing body of a sport with a lot of hitting but little protective gear, has allowed biological males who identify as female to compete…

Questions to Ask the Candidates

The beginning of every Christian citizen’s civic duty is to vote. Chief among the reasons Christians should vote is that it is an opportunity to love God, by loving what…

The Importance of Voting

Today we have a special episode for you courtesy of Focus on the Family. John Stonestreet and Tim Goeglein join Focus on the Family president Jim Daly to discuss the…

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