Podcast: Ryan T. Anderson Unpacks the Supreme Court’s 2020 Term

On today’s episode, The Heritage Foundation’s Ryan T. Anderson joins John Stonestreet to discuss the significance of the Supreme Court’s recent term. How will the Court’s ruling on employment law,…

Cancel Culture and the Power of Twitter

John Stonestreet and Shane Morris discuss the remarkable resignation of Bari Weiss from the New York Times and her accusation that “America’s paper of record” is driven by the Twitter…

New Zealand’s Outrageous New Abortion Law

You’d think that a global pandemic that’s killed hundreds of thousands would at least temper the advance of legal killing. It hasn’t. While headlines worldwide were praising New Zealand’s prime…

Legalizing Polyamory

Each summer, I teach high school and college students at Summit Ministries on the topic of marriage and the family, including what marriage is, what it’s for, cultural trends about…

Podcast: Where Are We in This Cultural Moment? An Historical Perspective

In the last month, we witnessed momentous—and disappointing–Supreme court decisions concerning abortion, transgender rights, and religious freedom. Many are wondering what the implications are for religious business owners and nonprofits…

Fewer Humans Won’t Heal the Planet

According to news reports, there’s at least on bright spot amidst all the COVID-19 bad news: the planet is beginning to heal itself. With those pesky and invasive humans stuck…

COVID 19 is an Opportunity to Re-Define the Human Species?

Recently, the world learned that researchers at London’s Francis Crick Institute used CRISPR technology to genetically edit 18 embryos. Around half of the embryos suffered the kinds of major mutations…

“Seeing Jesus from the East”

Recently, in the midst of our national conversation about race, justice, and statues, left-wing activist Shaun King tweeted: “Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is…

Podcast: Intelligent Design and Evolution in a Nutshell

For more than a century and a half, evolution has been the center of a naturalistic account on how everything — the universe, the earth, you and I — came…

Religious Freedom and the Supreme Court

What will be the long-term impact of the Supreme Court’s rulings on religious  freedom this term?  Will religious individuals enjoy the same protections that religious institutions do? John Stonestsreet and…

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