A Schooling Renaissance?

Earlier this month, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper made an announcement. Actually, he made more of a non-announcement: He wasn’t sure whether North Carolina schools would reopen this Fall. A…

Planned Parenthood Should Cancel More than Margaret Sanger

Last week, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced that the name of the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger, would be removed from its clinic. They also asked the city to…

What Do We Do with Critical Theory?

The question most central to defining a worldview, other than “Who is God?” and “What does it mean to be human?” is “What’s really wrong with the world?” It’s a…

Cancel Culture on Campus: What Your Kids Will Be Facing This Fall

When college students get back to class, will  cancel culture be there waiting for them? According to the Chronicle for Higher Education, 57% of school’s currently planned to hold in…

The God Who Sees Women

It’s impossible to miss the battles being waged over biological sex and gender roles these days. Think of biological males competing in women’s sports; or Harry Potter author J. K.…

Hagia Sophia and the Armenian Genocide

Despite protests from around the world, Turkey has decided to convert the Hagia Sophia into a mosque. One supporter of Prime Minister Erdogan told Al Jazeera he’d been waiting fifty…

Abdu Murray on “Seeing Jesus from the East”

The outstanding new book by Abdu Murray and the late apologist Ravi Zacharias, entitled Seeing Jesus from the East: A Fresh Look at History’s Most Influential Figure, unlocks the Eastern…

Dying Well in an Age of Denial

Woody Allen once quipped, “I am not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” Funny or not, this is the kind of thing said…

Corrie ten Boom: “Victorious”

Millions know of Corrie ten Boom through her book The Hiding Place, in which she recounts her family’ efforts to protect Dutch Jews from the Nazis–as well as her arrest…

Dr. J. I. Packer Helped So Many Know God

One fall afternoon in 1994, as a not-new but newly serious believer, I wandered into a small Christian bookstore in Tennessee, a book caught my eye. Actually, the title of…

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