A Warning for Progressive Christians: Interview with Dr. Roger Olson – Sean McDowell

Why would an influential theologian give a warning for progressive Christians? Sean interviews Dr. Roger Olson about his new book Against Liberalism. Read More Sean McDowell

Progressive Christianity: A Biblical Response (with Dr. Michael Kruger) – Sean McDowell

Based on a list of 10 principles put forth by an influential progressive Christian, Michael Kruger offers a diagnosis and critique of progressive Christianity. Read More Sean McDowell

Would the Multiverse Reveal God? A Conversation with Dr. Stephen Meyer. – Sean McDowell

If true, would the multiverse have any implications for the existence of God? Dr. Meyer says YES. We discuss the popularity and evidence for the multiverse. Read More Sean McDowell

The Curse of Ham: Correcting a Corruption – Sean McDowell

What is the curse of Ham and why is it such a mistaken and harmful interpretation of scripture? Sean interview Fraendy Clervaud about his MA thesis. Read More Sean McDowell

A French Atheist Becomes a Christian (Guillaume Bignon) – Sean McDowell

Why would a French atheist become a follower of Jesus? Sean talks with Guillaume Bignon, author of Confessions of A French Atheist, about his journey to faith. Read More Sean…

Morally Speaking, It Is Not A Woman’s Body – Sean McDowell

Does a woman have the right to do as she desires with her own body? Dr. JP Moreland responds to this popular pro-choice argument. Read More Sean McDowell

The Key to Asking Great Questions – Sean McDowell

What is the key to asking good questions for relationships and spiritual conversation? Sean interview Bob Tiede about his new book on the questions of Paul. Read More Sean McDowell

The Divine Plan for Sex, Love, and Marriage (with Christopher West) – Sean McDowell

The biblical message can be summed up in 5 words: “God wants to marry us.” To understand, we have to look deeply into scriptural teaching about sex and love.. Read…

Are Abortion “Right” Done? Analysis on the Leaked SCOTUS ruling – Sean McDowell

Is SCOTUS set to overturn Roe vs. Wade? What would this mean for the abortion debate and the pro-life movement? In this video, I am joined by Dr. Scott Rae.…

The Science and Risks of Porn (And a Strategy How to Help Kids) – Sean McDowell

How damaging is pornography to kids, relationships, and society? And what can leaders do about it? Sean talks with Dr. John Foubert about these Qs and more. Read More Sean…

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