How did Josh develop a speaking ministry? What gave him such boldness in ministry? Sean interviews his dad about some untold stories of his life. How did Josh develop a…
Is Homosexual Behavior Consistent With The Bible’s Teachings?
By Wintery Knight Here’s a post from Christian writer Terrell Clemmons about efforts by gay activists to redefine Christianity so that it is consistent with homosexual behavior. This particular post is focused…
Sean McDowell: Today’s Apologetic Issues
This week’s guest is Sean McDowell. He will talk with Bobby about all things Gen Z, today’s main apologetic issues, including the LGBTQ movement and more. Direct Donation Link:…
The Word Of Truth
By Jason Jimenez The Bible has been bashed, terrorized, and burned more than any other book of antiquity! It has faced enormous challenges of its literal expression as well as…
An Urgent Request.
Direct Donation Link: T-Shirts and Sweatshirts- Become A Become a financial team member of the One Minute Apologist and get exclusive access to content on the website.…
Dr. Corey Miller: Our World in Turmoil!
Click on the video for a timely message of truth from our President, Dr. Corey Miller, and help us change the culture and NOT be shaped by the culture. Help…
Ready to Serve in the Senior Care Village?
Helping our elderly is biblical and an issue that many of our students and churches face. The following is an article from Beverly Nelson of We hope it is…
How To Handle False Teachers?
It certainly appears that there is a rise of false teachers. People, who claim to be Christian, claim to be teaching the word of God, and claim to be on…
A Conversation About Suicide
May is mental health awareness month, and in honor of that, Bobby and Heather have been talking openly and honestly about their struggles. This refreshing series is bringing to light…
Thank You Ravi
The image below came up on my memories feed this morning on Facebook. Just 3 years ago Ravi expressed his strong and encouraging words when Nabeel Quereshi was facing the…