3 Keys to the New Sexual Purity Movement – Sean McDowell

How does the purity movement need to be updated for today? What needs to change? Sean offers three insights from his latest book. Read More Sean McDowell

Why is Unconditional Love So Powerful for Young People? – Sean McDowell

Why is unconditional love so powerful for young people? Sean shares a personal example of how his dad modeled this for him. Read More Sean McDowell

Shall We Be Darwin’s Yes-Men?

Around 1970 Michael Denton was a young researcher at Kings College London, thinking about how mammalian red blood cells could become anucleate. Source Read More Evolution News

Oxford’s John Lennox: Battle Cry of the “Believing Scientist”

Many religiously affiliated people, including clergy, would prefer to let their faith float free of challenging questions about objective evidence. Source Read More Evolution News

Why Do People with the Same Background to Yours, Differ in Their Conclusions About Christianity? (Video)

If the evidence for Christianity is so strong, why isn’t everyone a Christian? How can two people examine the same evidence yet come to two different conclusions? This clip was…

Repentant Biology Journal Offers a Weak Rebuttal to Its Own Pro-ID Fine-Tuning Paper

The authors close by quoting Carl Sagan’s famous adage that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Do they offer that kind of evidence? Source Read More Evolution News

Remarkable Coincidences in Photosynthesis Shout “Intelligent Design”

From the specific energy of visible light to the unique properties of water, this degree of fine-tuning for life has a clear message. Source Read More Evolution News

Listen: Scott Turner on Evolutionary Biology’s Mechanistic Bias

Viewing the brain as a computer, for example, obscures many things about the brain and the mind that exceed computers, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Source Read More Evolution News

From Birds and Lemurs, Lessons About Human Exceptionalism

Self-degradation, like the “Galileo legend,” is a vital fuel from Darwinism. Plus, “Another failed prediction” of evolutionary theory. Source Read More Evolution News

Is the Bible Full of Contradictions? (Video)

The Bible is allegedly the inspired “Word of God,” but there are several places where the Gospels seem to contradict one another. How can we trust the Bible when it…

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