Ready to Serve in the Senior Care Village?

Helping our elderly is biblical and an issue that many of our students and churches face. The following is an article from Beverly Nelson of We hope it is…

How To Handle False Teachers?

It certainly appears that there is a rise of false teachers. People, who claim to be Christian, claim to be teaching the word of God, and claim to be on…

A Conversation About Suicide

May is mental health awareness month, and in honor of that, Bobby and Heather have been talking openly and honestly about their struggles.  This refreshing series is bringing to light…

Thank You Ravi

The image below came up on my memories feed this morning on Facebook. Just 3 years ago Ravi expressed his strong and encouraging words when Nabeel Quereshi was facing the…

A Response to “The Gnostic Gospels”— Can We Trust Princeton Professor, Elaine Pagels?

Before I became a Christian I spent a few years looking at evidence for all the major religions. One of the books I read was “The Gnostic Gospels” by Elaine Pagels.…

Discerning Truth in a World of Fake News and False Views

Discerning Truth in a World of Fake News and False Views By Cody Guitard, RC Chapter Director I’m sure that the moment you read the title of this article,[1] certain…

Facing The Impossible: A Series Through Ruth Part 4

The final week of Bobby’s series through the book of Ruth. T-Shirts and Sweatshirts- Become A  Become a financial team member of the One Minute Apologist and get…

Resurrection Q&A

Bobby did 2 live streams this past weekend. One was on Good Friday, where he looked at Isaiah 53, and the other he examined whether the resurrection of Jesus was…

Ransom and Good Friday

by Dr. Mark Eckel, Ratio Christi Professorial Ministries Balancing the scales Their killings were retaliations to avenge death. A score had to be settled. They had to keep things “even.”…

NEW BOOK: Where is God in a coronavirus world?

    We are living through a unique, era–defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic…

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