4 Insights from Being on TikTok

What does the phenomenon of TikTok reveal about this generation? What insights can we take away? Sean gives four insights from being on the app. What does the phenomenon of…

Whose Morality Should We Legislate? 44 Quotes from Frank Turek and Norman Geisler

By Luke Nix “We’re living in a society in which people feel no obligation to control their own actions. Instead, we rationalize and justify every aberrant behavior under the umbrella of…

Couldn’t the Fine-Tuning Parameters of the Universe Have Been Different? (Video)

In this clip from J. Warner Wallace’s longer talk on the existence of God from the fine-tuning of the universe (based on his book, God’s Crime Scene), J. Warner describes tackles…

Critical Race Theory with Dr. Neil Shenvi Part 2

Have you found yourself a bit confused by all the talk on Critical Race Theory, Identity Politics, Intersectionality, and terms of like manner? If so, join Bobby as he interviews…

The Best Kind of Love

By Tim Stratton Question: Dear Dr. Stratton, In your interview with Jorge Gil on Cross Examined’s Hope One, you attempted to answer “all the problems of evil” by appealing to love.…

Zach Paresi: Recipient of Legatus Christi

Ratio Christi is pleased to award RC’s Legatus Christi certificate to Zach Paresi! Zach was kind enough to answer some questions for us as he reflected on his time as…

Luke Bassett: Recipient of Legatus Christi

Ratio Christi is pleased to award RC’s Legatus Christi certificate to Luke Bassett! Luke was kind enough to answer some questions for us as he reflected on his time as…

This is What Happened on July 4, 1776

In Congress, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve…

Why Do We Fold the American Flag?

The following was written by a friend who is a U.S. Army veteran. Folding the American flag into a triangle gives unique honor and respect to the flag. Have you…

What I learned from my Father’s Death

In this very personal podcast, Frank reveals the lessons he’s learned from his Father’s recent death. He also reflects on C.S. Lewis’s argument from desire, and how Christianity makes the…

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