Cancel Caribou? Another Questionable Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History

The role of science in justifying racism and eugenics is a subject that needs to be opened up wide, not decorously ignored any longer. Source Read More Evolution News

If God Exists, He Wouldn’t Be So Hidden (Video)

If God exists, why does He seem absent in difficult times? Why doesn’t He appear to us physically? Why is He so hidden? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick…

Honored by Statue, Democratic South Carolina Senator Said Some Blacks “Near Akin to Monkey”

Benjamin Tillman was a monster. He publicly defended lynchings. He drew on evolutionary racism to preach black inferiority. Source Read More Evolution News

Honored by Statue, Democratic South Carolina Senator Said Some Blacks “Near Akin to Monkey”

Benjamin Tillman was a monster. He publicly defended lynchings. He drew on evolutionary racism to preach black inferiority. Source Read More Evolution News

Podcast: Why Eschatology Matters (with Mark Saucy) – Mark Saucy, Sean McDowell, and Scott Rae

Eschatology, or the doctrine of the end times, often is portrayed largely speculation, based on difficult to interpret biblical texts and subject to widespread disagreement among theological scholars. Join us…

Darwinism Would Fare Poorly Against Pandemics

When combatting disease-causing pathogens, we don’t use the idea that Darwinian evolution is of unlimited creativity. Just the opposite! Source Read More Evolution News

Darwinism Would Fare Poorly Against Pandemics

When combatting disease-causing pathogens, we don’t use the idea that Darwinian evolution is of unlimited creativity. Just the opposite! Source Read More Evolution News

American Museum of Natural History Cancels Teddy Roosevelt; Keeps Bust of Racist Director?

Last month, the American Museum of Natural History in New York City requested removal of an iconic statue of Theodore Roosevelt on horseback. Source Read More Evolution News

Optimized Insect Designs — via Evolution?

Cicadas and dragonflies use an exquisitely engineered “bed of nails” on their wings to disarm and neutralize bacteria. Source Read More Evolution News

How C. S. Lewis Might Have Described Our Current Obsession with Monuments

A national conversation has begun about the monuments in our communities. Maybe you’ve seen the news coverage of protesters removing statues of historical figures due to the moral failings of…

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