An Intro to Arguments for God’s Existence

By J. Brian Huffling Does God exist? This has been one of the most asked questions in history with the most profound implications. As Norman Geisler used to say, our…

Some Thoughts on the Dr. Michael Licona vs Laura Robinson Conversation

I recently came across a discussion between Dr. Michael Licona and Laura Robinson. I had never heard of her before I watched this video from Capturing Christianity. I don’t normally…

Nightmare at the Museum

This week we’ve been taking a look behind the scenes at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Source Read More Evolution News

Nightmare at the Museum

This week we’ve been taking a look behind the scenes at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Source Read More Evolution News

Theistic Evolution: The Case of Theodore Munger

In an extensive essay, Munger’s purpose was to show that evolution not only poses no threat to Christian faith but can confirm it Source Read More Evolution News

Theistic Evolution: The Case of Theodore Munger

In an extensive essay, Munger’s purpose was to show that evolution not only poses no threat to Christian faith but can confirm it Source Read More Evolution News

Are you a Selective Moralizer?

What makes you think that your moral views are correct?  If you were a white person in the Southern U.S. in 1840, what would you think of slavery?  If you…

Namacalathus, Alleged Ediacaran “Animal,” Fails to Refute Abrupt Cambrian Explosion

It could be anything, from a coelenterate-grade or sponge-grade organism to even a protist or an alga. Source Read More Evolution News

Namacalathus, Alleged Ediacaran “Animal,” Fails to Refute Abrupt Cambrian Explosion

It could be anything, from a coelenterate-grade or sponge-grade organism to even a protist or an alga. Source Read More Evolution News

Cancel Caribou? Another Questionable Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History

The role of science in justifying racism and eugenics is a subject that needs to be opened up wide, not decorously ignored any longer. Source Read More Evolution News

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