Copernican Revolution Promoted Man’s Place in the Cosmos

In Copernicus’ day, the Earth was thought to be at the bottom of the universe, the “sump” where all the filth collected. Source Read More Evolution News

Why We Can’t Know If The Universe Created Itself

By Al Serrato In the beginning, was… not the Word …. but the singularity event occurring in absolute nothingness and timelessness that spontaneously created all we see in the universe…

Neuroevolution Methods Show Significant Success

The Darwinian algorithm works in theory, but does not work in practice, when applied in the domain of software production. Source Read More Evolution News

2084 with Dr. John Lennox

“Summoning a Demon” is how Telsa CEO Elon Musk referred to Artificial Intelligence.  Is he right?  Artificial Intelligence is here, and more is coming.  Will it bring us utopia or…

Some Possible Reasons for the Limited Success of Evolutionary Algorithms

It is theoretically possible that out of thousands of scientists working on evolutionary computation, all failed to correctly implement the Darwinian algorithm. Source Read More Evolution News

Why Science and Atheism Don’t Mix

Physicist John Polkinghorne says that the reduction of mental events to physics and chemistry destroys meaning. Source Read More Evolution News

Is Believing in God Like Believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster? (Video)

Is belief in God completely irrational? Is it like believing in mythological or fantastical creatures? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick Shots: Fast Answers to Hard Questions” series on RightNow…

COVID-19 and Biochemical Design

On a webinar today, I will discuss viruses in historical time, their basic biochemical design, where they came from, and what they might evolve into. Source Read More Evolution News

Politicized Science Can Be Deadly; Time to Restore Integrity

Imagine there was a pandemic and people found themselves greeting statements from scientists, conveyed by the media, with increasing jaded skepticism. Source Read More Evolution News

Chromosome Dynamics Has Egg-centric Features

In the words of Robert Rosen we have to “drastically reconsider what is meant by “genetic information.’” Source Read More Evolution News

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