Needed for Fire: All the Right Fuel

There is another aspect of the Earth’s environment that is absolutely crucial in allowing the utilization of fire for metal-based technologies. Source Read More Evolution News

Are We Only Christian Because We Were Raised in a Christian Culture? (Video)

Do people simply become Christians because they are raised in a Christian environment? Is this the only reason why people decide to follow Jesus? In this video from J. Warner’s…

Five New Biology Papers Show Cracks in Darwin’s Foundation

Are there rumblings of discontent? Is it getting safer to question the claims of conventional neo-Darwinism? Source Read More Evolution News

Can We Sin in Heaven? Does Gender Reside in the Body or Soul? Q&A with J.P. Moreland – Sean McDowell

What is the best evidence for Near-Death Experiences? Do people who commit suicide lose their salvation? Philosopher JP Moreland answers these Qs and more. Read More Sean McDowell

In Praise of Copper, a Gift from Nature

If the conductivity of copper were ten times less, wires would have to be ten times the cross-sectional area to provide the same conductivity. Source Read More Evolution News

Why “Closure” Requires A Christian Worldview

In my career as a cold-case detective, i frequently celebrated when a jury came back with a guilty verdict. But when I read the press clippings and reports related to…

Beauty, Coherence, Semiotics, and the Coronavirus — Webinar Series Continues Thursday

Purely physical explanations have difficulty in explaining the language-like features of communication between the coronavirus and a cell. Source Read More Evolution News

DNA May Be “Junk” at One Level But of Utmost Significance at Another

It is during the latter stages of the production of an animal oocyte that many functionalities of what some disparage as “junk DNA” take center stage. Source Read More Evolution…

What is the Meaning of the Cross? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E09)

Why is the cross so important to Christians? What meaning does Christianity associate with the cross? J. Warner describes three important truths about the cross in this episode of the…

Book Review: How Reason Can Lead To God by Joshua Rasmussen

By Stelman Smith Jr. “I write for a specific sort of person. You value reason, science, and independent thinking. You question beliefs propped up by ‘faith’ without sufficient evidence. Maybe…

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