Whales — Time to Put Evolution’s Exhausted “Poster Child” to Rest

The argument about whales turns on two points: “Population genetics calculations say no,” and “New fossil find throws the series into disarray.” Source Read More Evolution News

8 Tips to Discuss Politics, Race, Religion and Other Controversial Topics

By Luke Nix Who has not been exposed to or may be even involved in discussions of controversial topics these days? It seems that talk of politics, race, religion, and…

Is Salvation Really a Free Gift? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E10)

What is the Christian definition of “saving faith”? Are our good deeds evaluated by God when he offers us eternal life? J. Warner describes three important truths about faith in…

Nature’s Magic and Its Breathtaking Parsimony

Without this ensemble of fitness in nature, there would be no wood, no fire, no metallurgy, no modern technology. Source Read More Evolution News

Fine-Tuning in a Nutshell: No Problem

Though cosmic fine-tuning is often referred to as “the fine-tuning problem,” Robert Alston says it’s really no problem at all. Source Read More Evolution News

Next Phase of ENCODE Finds MORE Functional Information in Genome “Junk”

The ENCODE project, now in its 17th year, ended its third phase with a new record of annotated elements in human and mouse genomes. Phase 4 is coming. Source Read…

A Remarkable Mechanism for the Existence of Large Trees

The mechanism represents a unique and stunningly brilliant solution to the problem of raising water to the top of large trees. Source Read More Evolution News

How to “Fish for People” on Social Media – Sean McDowell

What is a biblical and healthy philosophy for engaging social media? Sean discusses how to “fish for people” online as Jesus did offline. Read More Sean McDowell

If These Reasons Wouldn’t Justify Killing a Kitten, Why Would They Justify Abortion?

For most of my life, I have been unabashedly and unflinchingly pro-choice. For many years, I saw abortion as little more than another form of birth control. Today, I am…

To Avoid Debate, Darwinists at the AAAS Would Even Censor…Darwin

A modest proposal to teach evolution the way Darwin treated his own theory has “no support” from one of the world’s most powerful scientific organizations. Source Read More Evolution News

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