The Rich, Contradictory History of Mormon Polygamy

For many, the fact Mormonism has a history of polygamy as an accepted practice is reason enough to reject the theology of Joseph Smith. But other supporters of Mormonism will…

Can We Trust Scripture on the Historical Jesus? – Sean McDowell

How do the Gospel accounts compare with other ancient writings? Sean offers a helpful comparison from the latest book on the historical Jesus. Read More Sean McDowell

Richard Weikart on How Darwinism Fueled Scientific Racism

Darwin didn’t merely predict racial genocide; he thought it would advance human evolution. Source Read More Evolution News

At What Point In Its Development Can a Human Being Feel Pain?

Peter Singer has argued that animals, like humans, deserve protection because of their ability to suffer. Source Read More Evolution News

Why Should We Read the Bible If Different People Interpret It Differently? (Video)

Many people interpret the Bible differently. How can we be sure we have the right interpretation? Why read the Bible if it can be interpreted in so many different ways?…

Kimberella Is No Solution to the Cambrian Conundrum

The fossil record speaks clearly and cries out loud: the history of life on Earth is a history of saltations. Source Read More Evolution News

Tour, Meyer on the Multiverse, and More

In this third of three episodes with Stephen Meyer, James Tour draws from questions sent in by listeners to his own podcast. Source Read More Evolution News

Kimberella and Controversial Relationships — A Chronological Synopsis, Continued

One researchers has preferred to classify Kimberella among the Ediacaran “fossil problematica.” Source Read More Evolution News

Reform It Altogether — More on the Naturalistic Parabola

I’ve fussed about this point for a long time. And Discovery Institute colleagues have occasionally chided me for my obsession. Source Read More Evolution News

Kimberella and Controversial Relationships — A Chronological Synopsis

It is remarkable, indeed, how detailed a medusoid morphology was projected onto Kimberella fossils and later recognized as pure fantasy. Source Read More Evolution News

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