Of Turbines and Pumps: More on Denton’s Latest

We rarely give a second thought to our body’s energy production. Robots use a battery pack and long lengths of wiring to transfer electricity. Source Read More Evolution News

Revealed: The Mystery Scientist Who Will Speak at Our Dallas Conference, February 20

If you’re like me, you’re not good with patience — so I can finally deliver some relief. Source Read More Evolution News

Podcast: The Gathering Storm (with Albert Mohler, Jr.) – Albert Mohler, Jr. and Scott Rae

How deeply has secularism infiltrated our society and the church? In his latest book, The Gathering Storm, Dr. Albert Mohler argues that Western civilization and the church stand at a…

Christianity and Politics: Can They Really Be Separate Issues?

I’ve always admired J. Warner Wallace’s approach to discernment concerning sharing political beliefs in ministry. My political beliefs are my opinion because I vote on who is going to protect…

Atomic Miracles: On Denton’s Latest

Paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson once declared that “man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind.” Source Read More Evolution News

What Does the Bible Say About “End Times”? 3 Historic Perspectives

Few topics divide the Christian community as quickly as the issue of “end times” (known amongst theologians as the study of “eschatology”). Entire denominations divide over the issue, and many…

Plant Diversity and Computer Programming

I asked the gardener how come, after all these years, the soil in my geranium pots is at roughly the same level. Source Read More Evolution News

Algorithmic Specified Complexity: The Game of Life

Hobbyists have designed highly complex patterns using John Conway’s simple rules of birth, death, and survival. Source Read More Evolution News

The Return of Casey Luskin

As I began writing this, I read one of the comments recently posted on our main YouTube channel: “I love Discovery Institute. You guys are changing the world!” Source Read…

How Can We Help Our Kids to Think Critically? (Video)

How can we help young believers think clearly about their Christian worldview? What steps can we tale to help young Christians assess and hold on to the truth?  J. Warner…

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