Seven Reasons the Soul Can’t Be Turned “Off”

Neuroscientist Michael Egnor notes that the idea of consciousness is “empty,” much like the idea of “natural selection” in evolution. Source Read More Evolution News

Jonathan Witt: A Cosmos Charged with Meaning, Purpose — and Genius

The late Phillip Johnson called Dr. Witt’s book from InterVarsity Press “a wise and witty romp through the fallacies of reductionism.” Source Read More Evolution News

The Truth about Purity Culture: A Conversation with Rachel Joy Welcher – Sean McDowell

What is the truth behind purity culture? Was it good, bad, or some combination of both? Rachel Welcher and I discuss her book Talking Back to Purity Culture. Read More…

Casey Luskin Returns, Teases a New Book, Celebrates ID 3.0

Luskin tells about an upcoming book he’s been working on with William Dembski, another ID proponent who stepped away from day-to-day ID work. Source Read More Evolution News

Egnor: Disturbing Questions About Consciousness

Think about this next time you are put under general anesthesia, which I hope neither you nor I will be anytime soon. Source Read More Evolution News

Flowering Plants and Common Descent

If this accurately reflects the argument in the primary research paper, it provides a beautiful example of common descent as axiomatically true. Source Read More Evolution News

What’s the Difference Between the Resurrection of Jesus and Others Who Rose from Death? (Video)

Why do Christians think the resurrection of Jesus is special when others were raised from death? Why is the Resurrection of Jesus unique? This clip was taken from J. Warner…

Two Meanings of “Creation”

A friend passes along this from Fr. Robert Spitzer. The meanings of “creation” are double, at least. Source Read More Evolution News

The Tragedy of Eukaryote Evolution

Think of all the upset feelings, frustrated longings, misunderstandings, and more entailed by the fact that male and female humans constitute separate genders. Source Read More Evolution News

Podcast: Win by Two — Basketball, Race and Coming to Faith in Christ (with Adam Donyes and Derrick Derrell) – Adam Donyes, Derrick Derrell, Sean McDowell, and Scott Rae

Win by Two is a gripping story about two men, Adam Donyes and Derrick Derrell, from very different backgrounds whose lives intersected on the basketball court and around a shared…

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