Would Jesus have Really Received a Proper Burial?

By Ryan Leasure Critics of Christianity like to suggest that a crucified victim like Jesus never would have received a proper burial. They point to cases where the Romans left victims on the…

Are DNA Genealogy Services Accurate? (Video)

Criminal cases are being solved with DNA and private individuals are using DNA to trace their genealogy and locate family members. But are genealogy services accurate? What would our lineage…

Misconceptions about Misconceptions: Examining a Citation of My Work

The citation is to one of my earliest writings on the topic of human origins, an article I published in an old ID journal. Source Read More Evolution News

Lincoln, Darwin, and ID in a Nutshell

The comparison between Lincoln and Darwin is noteworthy. The words of the former are immortal, of the latter…increasingly evident in their mortality. Source Read More Evolution News

Podcast: Weep With Me – Lament and Racial Reconciliation (with Mark Vroegop) – Mark Vroegop, Sean McDowell, and Scott Rae

One of the key element in racial reconciliation is recognizing the experience of minorities in majority cultures. Pastor Mark Vroegop maintains that the practice of lament, both individually and corporately,…

Academic Article Correcting Misconceptions about Evolution Promotes Misconceptions about ID

It’s good to be back at Discovery Institute. Even after my fives years away, I see that some things remain unchanged. Source Read More Evolution News

How Christian Case Making Impacts the Convinced, the Opposed, and the Undecided

I spoke to a group of students at The Ohio State University a few years ago, and we talked about the importance of Case Making and shared stories of our…

No Free Lunch for Darwin — The AI Case Against Blind Evolution

Why won’t some scientists admit the information and intelligent design inherent in evolutionary computing? Source Read More Evolution News

Early Praise for Meyer’s Return of the God Hypothesis — And a Preorder Offer

Meyer’s latest “makes a strong case for the identity of the designer as a personal God,” says University of Georgia biochemist Russell Carlson. Source Read More Evolution News

Is the Designer a Black Hole?

Supernatural agents that exert natural effects are perfectly valid objects of scientific inquiry. Source Read More Evolution News

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