Viruses, the Immune System, and Computer Systems

Virus detection in computer programs is primarily implemented using a signature-based technique. Source Read More Evolution News

Transgender Sports Policy: New Research and Worldview Issues – Sean McDowell

Why is transgender sports policy such a hot topic? Will trans athletes dominate sports? Sean interviews Dr.Gabriel Higerd about the latest research. Read More Sean McDowell

Paul Ashby — “Meyer Skews Materialism”

Another stellar endorsement for Stephen Meyer’s latest. Paul Ashby is a Harvard-trained physical chemist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Source Read More Evolution News

Costco Chickens and Human Exceptionalism

The impact of too-onerous animal-welfare laws on the diets of people of limited means becomes clear. Source Read More Evolution News

Why Are You a Christian? (Video)

There are many good reasons to identify yourself as a Christian. Is one better than all the rest? Why are YOU a Christian? Detective Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son) tackles…

Newly Published Analysis Refutes Claims that Sahelanthropus tchadensis Was Human Ancestor

What happened to the femur? Did the original discoverers hold on to the bones to stonewall an analysis with a conclusion they didn’t like? Source Read More Evolution News

How critical is this moment for Americans?

By Richard Land I cannot help but think that a large majority of American citizens are very, very concerned about the current state of our union. The increasing hostility and…

William Dembski on ID, Church Fathers, and a Problem for Atheists

Let’s celebrate the return of Casey Luskin and William Dembski to the intelligent design sphere. Source Read More Evolution News

Racism Doesn’t Explain Everything

Why are women paid less on average than men for the same job? Is it sexism? Why do certain ethnic groups have worse outcomes than others?  Is it racism?  Why…

Why Do Critics Misrepresent Intelligent Design?

I will close by revisiting the question of why people doubt Darwin and reject evolution — something discussed in my first post on this paper. Source Read More Evolution News

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