The Making of a Darwin-Dissenting Doctor

Casey Luskin interviews Center for Science & Culture Fellow and physician Geoffrey Simmons on what led him from card-carrying Darwinist to Darwin-skeptic. Source Read More Evolution News

What is the Best Argument for Christianity? (Video)

Is there a single, “can’t lose” argument for God’s existence or the truth of Christianity? Should we master one argument to share with others? Is there a better way to…

Answering Another Objection to Intelligent Design: “You Can’t Prove God Exists”

Now it’s possible that physics-based arguments for design could extend the argument further than you can go within biological design. Source Read More Evolution News

Episode 3: James Tour Detonates “Hyperbole Surrounding Origin-of-Life Claims”

Rice University chemist James Tour continues his course on abiogenesis. On Episode 3, he turns to detonating some of the hype surrounding supposed progress toward understanding the origin of life…

Is ID Bad Theology? No, but the Objection Is

Mark Vernon has mistaken a narrow deism for theism and then charged theists with blasphemy for considering God free to act within the created order. Source Read More Evolution News

The Ravi Zacharias scandal and the truth of Christianity

The report is out, and it is devastating.  Many of the facts have come from the victims themselves and have been verified by looking at Ravi’s own smartphones, which included…

An Important Truth About Law Enforcement (Video)

Is the current national inclination to defund the police reasonable? Is there something about the nature of law enforcement that requires us to consider reform before defunding? Pastor Tom Goodman…

Great Expectations: Origins in Science Education

How ironic then that a majority of college-educated adults have been led so far astray in their understanding of the sobering realities of abiogenesis research. Source Read More Evolution News

James Tour Samples Primordial Soup: Watch Episode 2 on Abiogenesis Now

“Goundwork is still being laid, as Dr. Tour explains the early Earth primordial soup concept and enlightens the listener on the layperson’s understanding.” Source Read More Evolution News

Why Capitalism is Good: A Conversation with Dr. Jay Richards – Sean McDowell

Isn’t capitalism based on greed? Doesn’t it foster consumerism? Jay Richards and I discuss how capitalism is morally best for society and for individuals. Read More Sean McDowell

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