Why Darwin Exaggerated His Health Problems

All the evidence points to Darwin as a generally healthy man with a strong, active libido, normal sexual function, and prodigious fertility. Source Read More Evolution News

New Paper Investigates Engineering Design Constraints on the Bacterial Flagellum

This technique of examining biology through the eyes of engineering is not necessarily new — systems biologists have been doing it for years. Source Read More Evolution News

Three Truths About the Impact Jesus Had on History (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E17)

Does Jesus still matter in our culture today? Was his impact on history significant enough to warrant our attention? What does His impact tell us about Him? Is Jesus history’s…

The Uses of Illness in Darwin’s Correspondence

Darwinian biographer Janet Browne notes how Darwin’s illness may have become a convenient excuse for avoiding certain activities. Source Read More Evolution News

Honoring Richard Lewontin, Famed Evolutionary Biologist and Sometime Critic of His Own Field

The quote for which Lewontin has become best known appeared in his 1997 review of a book by Carl Sagan. Source Read More Evolution News

Richard Lewontin (1929-2021), Mensch

As I stood by the lab doorway, Lewontin — who was sitting right down front — looked back towards the door and caught my eye. Source Read More Evolution News

Darwin’s Genie: Misapplied Natural Selection Continues

“Natural selection” is like a Swiss Army knife that researchers in widely different disciplines use to solve their problems. Source Read More Evolution News

Heidi’s Story: Down Syndrome Goes to Court

She wants to change the law. Specifically, the law that says people like her can be aborted up to birth. Source Read More Evolution News

Can I Believe in the Trinity if the Word Doesn’t Appear in the Bible? (Video)

There are several theological concepts that aren’t explicitly described or labeled in the Bible. The triune nature of God is not described with the word “trinity,” for example. How can…

Biological Information Beyond DNA: The Future of Biology

Previously, Dr. Wells showed that embryo development requires information carried by membrane patterns in embryonic cells. Source Read More Evolution News

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