Is the Universe Causally Closed?

Materialists argue that dualism of mind and brain is not possible because of causal closure — by which they mean that all physical effects have physical causes. Source Read More…

Critical Race Theory and Intelligent Design: The Mixed-Up Comparison of Sarah Jones

Sarah Jones essentially argues that worries about critical race theory have been ginned up by conservative provocateurs. Source Read More Evolution News

Charles Darwin: Racist Spokesman for Anglo-Male Superiority?

The University of Sheffield’s teaching and research handbook has declared Charles Darwin a “racist.” Source Read More Evolution News

Sara Walker: Intelligent Design without Intelligent Design

We’ll be watching Walker’s publications to see how much farther she can move in the direction of ID. Source Read More Evolution News

My Two Greatest Concerns About the Relationship Between Science and Christianity (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E18)

Can Christian’s become scientists, or is there something about science that demands a non-religious worldview? Are faith in God and an interest in the sciences completely incompatible? How have Christians…

What the Darwin Lobby and the Transgender Lobby Have in Common

Some ideologies (such as Darwinism) wrap themselves in the mantle of science even though they lack — or are inconsistent with — the evidence. Source Read More Evolution News

Michael Behe Needs Some Angelic Help

Become a movie producer and help bring the evidence of intelligent design to millions of people in the next year. Source Read More Evolution News

Congratulations to Science Magazine for an Honest Portrayal of Darwin’s Descent of Man

On the book’s 150th anniversary, a prestigious journal is catching up with Darwin critics. Source Read More Evolution News

Is “Denying Evolution” a Form of White Supremacy?

What happens if we examine the real white supremacists today? Are they creationists? Source Read More Evolution News

The Casual Racism of Charles Darwin

It is certainly startling to see the N-word cropping up in Darwin’s letters, but this is not the only place. Source Read More Evolution News

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