The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God with Justin Brierley – Part 2

Can a purely materialistic worldview account for concepts like human dignity, moral absolutes, or objective meaning? In a surprising (and encouraging) turn of events, many who once held to an atheistic worldview are beginning…

The True Meaning of ‘Headship’ and ‘Head Coverings’ for Women: A Theological Perspective of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, the apostle Paul addresses the topic of head coverings for women, a subject that has sparked much debate, confusion, and substandard interpretations throughout history. In order…

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God | with Justin Brierley – Part 1

Could we be witnessing a return of belief in God during our generation? It seems that the Christian narrative that shaped the West has been replaced by sweeping secularism. But…

In the Image of God: The Battle for Human Identity

By Luke Nix Introduction Human origins is a fascinating area of research today. With all the different models for the origins of humanity being proposed, I see an increase in…

Navigating the Digital Age: Youth, Technology, and Social Media Survival

Is social media turning your kids into digital zombies? You wouldn’t believe how much time the average person will spend scrolling their phone in a lifetime, but the effects that…

The Most Important Question

By Michelle Johnson It wasn’t too long ago we finally finished putting the Christmas decorations away at our house. The process caused me to reminisce about the time we had…

From Gangs to the Gospel: An Inside Look at the Faith Journey of Ruslan KD

Where do you go to find good Christian commentary on current events happening in pop-culture? YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and other social media channels have created an almost endless online space…

A Christian Response to a Viral Deconversion Post

By Natasha Crain Social media has been a popular place to share deconversion stories over the last few years, and sometimes so many people resonate with those posts that they…

The Lazy Approach to Evangelism | with Eric Hernandez

Is it necessary to have all the answers to complex theological or cultural questions when talking to non-Christians? Absolutely not! But the fear of not having a response, let alone…

Where Did Guilt Come From?

As a prosecutor for many decades, I often found myself reflecting on the impact that feelings of guilt have, even upon criminals with lengthy records. Why was it that the…

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