Do You Have “Blood on Your Hands”? 3 Questions About “Trans Rights”

Do you have blood on your hands? Are Christian beliefs motivating trans people to commit the unthinkable act of suicide? The alarming prevalence of depression among people battling gender dysphoria…

Timothy’s Tale: Unveiling Undesigned Coincidences In Paul’s Journeys

Because Paul crisscrossed paths with many folks, some repeatedly, it’s quite enlightening to compare how these people are portrayed in the book of Acts with what Paul hints at in…

Does the Resurrection of Jesus Prove He is the Jewish Messiah? with Eric Chabot

If Jesus rose from the dead, wouldn’t that also demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the Messianic prophecies were about Him? Even if you can convince an orthodox Jew that…

Our Children: The Greatest Mission Field

Be assured that when the knock comes at your door, it will be unannounced, it will be warrantless, and it will come at the most inconvenient time. The social service…

The #1 Doctrine That Answers Christianity’s Toughest Questions with Dr. Tim Stratton

It’s the age old question–if God is sovereign over all things then how do we have free will? And if God controls everything, does that make Him the author of…

The Sense of Hearing is a Masterpiece of Engineering

By Jonathan McLatchie The ear is responsible for two of our most fundamental senses — hearing and equilibrium — the receptors for which are all found inside the inner ear.…

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God with Justin Brierley – Part 2

Can a purely materialistic worldview account for concepts like human dignity, moral absolutes, or objective meaning? In a surprising (and encouraging) turn of events, many who once held to an atheistic worldview are beginning…

The True Meaning of ‘Headship’ and ‘Head Coverings’ for Women: A Theological Perspective of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, the apostle Paul addresses the topic of head coverings for women, a subject that has sparked much debate, confusion, and substandard interpretations throughout history. In order…

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God | with Justin Brierley – Part 1

Could we be witnessing a return of belief in God during our generation? It seems that the Christian narrative that shaped the West has been replaced by sweeping secularism. But…

In the Image of God: The Battle for Human Identity

By Luke Nix Introduction Human origins is a fascinating area of research today. With all the different models for the origins of humanity being proposed, I see an increase in…

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