If Religious Freedom Is So Important, Why Do So Few of Us Exercise it?

Religious freedom has certainly been in the news over the years, given the controversy over many elements of President Obama’s healthcare program and the religious freedom bills in Indiana and…

Conversations About Heaven and the Soul (Podcast)

In this podcast, J. Warner converses with Frank Sontag and Janet Mefferd about the nature of heaven and the soul. Have popular movies and books distorted the truth about Heaven?…

What Will the End Times Be Like? (Video)

What should we expect when the world comes to an end? Which version of end-times is accurate? What should our view be regarding the end of the world?  To…

Good Reasons to Trust a Courtroom Over a Laboratory When Trying to Determine What Happened in the Past

I’m sometimes challenged to defend what I believe with science. In a culture that places a high value on scientific exploration and empirical evidence, folks often claim that they can’t…

Why Creeds Are an Essential Characteristic of Christianity (Podcast)

In this podcast, J. Warner examines the historic, creedal nature of Christianity. Why are creeds so important to the Christian worldview? How early did they emerge? How can we affirm…

Does God Allow Free Will? (Video)

If God is all-knowing, does He control or determine everything we will do in the future (and everything we are doing today)? Does God truly allow us the freedom to…

A Simple Three-Pronged Approach To Youth Curriculum

I spent most of my adult life as an atheist and once I eventually determined Christianity was true, I jumped in with both feet. I volunteered in Children’s Ministry and…

The Case for An Afterlife and the Biblical Description of Life After Death (Podcast)

In this podcast, J. Warner reviews the philosophical, evidential case for life beyond the grave and then examines what the Bible has to say about Heaven and Hell. Are there…

How Can Christians Evangelize Mormons? (Video)

Are Christians Mormons? If not, how can we reach them with the true Gospel, given their misguided beliefs about Jesus?  To see more interview videos with J. Warner Wallace,…

How Humility Helps Us Hear the Gospel

I’ve been writing recently about jury selection. If you are interested in making a case for what you believe as a Christian, you probably already recognize the importance of preparation.…

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