Tips for Memorizing and Using Matthew 5 to Share the Truth (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E16)

What important truths from the Sermon on the Mount can we use to share the truth of Christianity with others? How can we better memorize part of the Sermon to…

Why Would Anyone Get a Degree in Apologetics?

I feel honored to be a very small part of the faculty at Biola University (where I serve as an Adjunct Professor in the Master’s Degree program in Christian Apologetics).…

With So Much to Learn About Apologetics, Where Should I Start? (Video)

Where should we start to become better Christian Case Makers? With so much to learn and so much to read or watch, how can we get started? This clip was…

Who Created God? (Video)

If the universe had a beginning and requires God as its creator, who created God? How can God be the only “thing” that doesn’t require a creator? In this video…

Is God A Celestial Dictator?

I recently was watching a talk given by an atheist student where the speaker referred to God as a “celestial dictator.” In fact, this was essentially the only way he…

Tips for Memorizing and Using John 1 to Share the Truth (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E15)

How can we better memorize this iconic chapter from John’s gospel? How can we use this important chapter to help make a case for the deity of Jesus? J. Warner…

Tips for Studying the Bible

As Christians, we have a lot of questions that we don’t always know how to investigate on our own, and we’re grateful when somebody will come in and give us…

How Did You React When You Realized Christianity Was True? (Video)

What difference does belief in Christianity make in one’s life. How do people typically respond w=once they trust Jesus as Savior? How do J. Warner respond? This clip was taken…

Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? (Video)

If there is an all-loving, all-powerful God, why doesn’t He stop evil? Why would He allow his children to suffer? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick Shots: Fast Answers…

Why the Objective Truth Trumps My Subjective Feelings

Why are you a Christian? What motivates the pursuit of your faith? What reason do you have to believe what you believe? If you talk to your fellow brothers and…

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