Aren’t All Religions the Same? (Video)

Do all religions lead to God? Are there any significant differences between the religions of the world? Detective Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son) tackles this question as part of his…

If We Applied a Cold-Case Approach to Mormonism, What Would We Discover? (Video)

Can Mormonism pass the same test J. Warner applied to Christianity? Are the claims of Mormonism evidentially reasonable? In this Q and A session, J. Warner begins to answer a…

What Does the Bible Say About “End Times”? 3 Historic Perspectives

Few topics divide the Christian community as quickly as the issue of “end times” (known amongst theologians as the study of “eschatology”). Entire denominations divide over the issue, and many…

How Can We Help Our Kids to Think Critically? (Video)

How can we help young believers think clearly about their Christian worldview? What steps can we tale to help young Christians assess and hold on to the truth?  J. Warner…

How to Build the Case for Christianity – Part 1 (Podcast)

In this first of two rebroadcasted “The Defense Rests” podcasts, Abdu Murray sits down with J. Warner to talk about how to build the case for Christianity, the nature of…

How Our Interests Reveal Our god(s) (Video)

What do we really worship? What’s truly more important to us than anything else? How do our interests reveal our god(s)? What would our friends say about us if they…

Are There Any Good Reasons to Believe in God? (Video)

Is it reasonable to believe in Jesus as the Messiah? Is it reasonable to believe in God in general? In this Q and A session, J. Warner begins to answer…

Did Jesus Really Live?

More and more I hear the claim that Jesus was not a real historical person. Did Jesus really live? It seems that there is a growing belief that Jesus was…

What Do You Say to People Who Reject the Physical Resurrection of Jesus? (Video)

Are there any good reasons to believe that the resurrection of Jesus was physical rather than spiritual? Why should anyone believe the resurrection was physical? Are there any clues in…

Why You Can Trust the New Testament (Podcast)

Are there any good reasons to trust the New Testament? In this interview with Timothy Paul Jones from Three Cords and the Truth, J. Warner answers this question and talks…

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