My Two Greatest Concerns About the Relationship Between Science and Christianity (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E18)

Can Christian’s become scientists, or is there something about science that demands a non-religious worldview? Are faith in God and an interest in the sciences completely incompatible? How have Christians…

What Was the Key Piece of Evidence That Convinced You Christianity Was True? (Video)

Does any one piece of history demonstrate that Christianity is true? If not, how can we be sure there’s enough evidence to trust what the New Testament has to say…

What’s Your Advice for Aspiring Apologists? (Video)

J. Warner often gets asked for advice on how to start making the case for Jesus or the truth of the Christian worldview. How can aspiring apologists begin to make…

Three Truths About the Impact Jesus Had on History (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E17)

Does Jesus still matter in our culture today? Was his impact on history significant enough to warrant our attention? What does His impact tell us about Him? Is Jesus history’s…

Can I Believe in the Trinity if the Word Doesn’t Appear in the Bible? (Video)

There are several theological concepts that aren’t explicitly described or labeled in the Bible. The triune nature of God is not described with the word “trinity,” for example. How can…

How (and Why) Some Early (and Current) Christians Held (and Still Hold) Heretical Views

In the nearly 2000 years since the death of Christ several religious ideas have emerged about Jesus. Many religious movements include competing beliefs about the nature of Jesus and his…

Which is More Effective for Reaching the Culture: Books or Videos? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E16)

In a digital visual age, have books become obsolete? Is there still any role for books in influencing culture, or has video taken over as the most effective way to…

Is the Old Testament God Different Than the New Testament God? (Video)

To many casual readers of the Bible, the Old Testament God seems much harsher and more aggressive than the character of God as revealed through Jesus in the New Testament.…

Why Is Christianity So “Exclusive”?

Easily the most well-known Bible verse in America today is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in…

How Not to Become a Christian Chihuahua (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E15)

Have you ever met a Christian who failed to display the nature of Jesus when talking about God or Christianity? Ever meet someone who seemed more like a barking, ankle-biting…

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