How Names Reveal That the Bible Writers Were Eyewitnesses

Sorry Aunt Mildred and Uncle Bob–nobody wants to use your names for their children anymore! But what does that have to do with the credibility of the New Testament writers?…

Biologist Michael Levin: A Farewell to Physicalism

Levin proposes a “radical Platonist view in which some of the causal input into mind and life originates outside the physical world.” Source Read More Evolution News

Five Investigative Principles That Will Help You Be A Better Christian Case Maker

I was recently interviewed for Los Angeles Magazine due to our success over the years working Cold-Case Homicides in the County of Los Angeles (like the recent Lynne Knight case).…

Meaning and Purpose from a Darwinian Process?

Dr. Emily Reeves looks at the top sources of meaning in life, including religion, relationships, and work, and evaluates the evolutionary view of each.  Source Read More Evolution News

China Leads the World in Retracted Science Papers

Seven of the Top Ten retraction hotspots are in China but India, Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia also make an appearance. Source Read More Evolution News

Michael Kent: “12 Discoveries That Have Changed the Debate about Design” 

Michael Kent is a Fellow with the Center for Science and Culture and a recently retired bio-scientist from Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque. Source Read More Evolution News

Claim: Only Doctors Can Prevent Global Warming

Science, medical, and bioethics journals are setting themselves up as the new political resistance. Source Read More Evolution News

New Paper Examines How the Complexity of Glycan Structures Points to Intelligent Design

“This is, of course, important in order for a kidney cell to be and function as a kidney cell, a nerve cell to function as a nerve cell, and so…

Can Christianity Really Be The Only Means of Salvation Part II

Many skeptics believe that all religions are basically the same. If there is an afterlife, they surmise, all that will be required for admission is that you live a “good”…

Why the Nature of Truth Is So important to Christianity (Podcast)

In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Podcast, J. Warner Wallace talks about the nature of subjective and objective truth and the impact our understanding of truth has on our…

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