Francis’ Empty Hell, Brandan’s Empty Bible

Started off looking at Francis’ comment that he hopes hell is empty, and what this would mean to Roman Catholic theology as a whole. Then we transitioned over a Brandan…

Kenoticism Examined

After some chatter about DEI’s destruction of the United States (and the West in general), we finally dug into a Twitter thread posted by Dr. Mike Riccardi on kenoticism and…

Happenings in Rome, Acts 15, and Provisionist Rhetoric

Started off with more on the continuing developments with Francis, Fernandez, and the Roman Church, moving sort of seamlessly into @ReformedtoRome’s attempt to use Acts 15 as a defeater of…

The Revealed God with Jeffrey Johnson; Stephen Wolfe’s 2024 Resolutions

Spent an hour and 15 minutes with Dr. Jeffery Johnson, President of GBTS, talking about his new book, The Revealed God (2023). Then I responded to a tweet storm from…

The Aquinization of MBTS, Philosophical Trinitarianism, Responses to Soteriology 101

Well, 2024 started out a bit rough technically speaking, but we got past that and got to a discussion of Aquinas at MBTS, Dale Tuggy and philosophical trinitarianism, and finally…

End of the Year Dividing Line: General Cultural Topics, then TRBs.

Had to make brief mention of some of the big stuff happening in our day at the top of the program. Then did a quick summary of the Crusades in…

Some Advent Thoughts, Daniel 4 and God’s Sovereignty

Under the weather still, so, had to keep the volume down a bit, but had a few advent thoughts and then looked at Nebuchadnezzar’s post grass-eating restoration confession of the…

Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans Examined in Context and a Follow Up on Last Week’s “Neo-Socinian” Accusation

Went a bit long today, but, lots to talk about, and my voice wasn’t real good, so I had to slow down a bit! In any case, first hour was…

Tertullian (~200): Children should not be baptized until they can ask for salvation themselves

And so, according to the circumstances and disposition, and even age, of each individual, the delay of baptism is preferable; principally, however, in the case of little children. For why…

Rutgers’ Racist Professor, More Muhammed Hijab, and the Neo-Socinian Nonsense Again

Back in Phoenix in our regular studio, so we looked briefly at the racist Rutgers professor and “white folks,” then we spent about twenty minutes responding to more of Muhammed…

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