2020 Election Likely to Reveal Big Change Within the GOP and Democrats

In a recent interview with Dana Perino, Tucker Carlson observed that the Republican party had yet to realize that it has become the party of the white working class. In comparison, the Democrats have really become the party of the elites. It’s an interesting thought, and one that demonstrates how the political system and country have changed over the last couple of decades.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, but I think if Biden does get elected then we’ll have to face the reality that the Democrats (Joe Biden) says he represents no longer exist,” Carlson said during ‘The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino.’ “Rural people, the ones that he did for so many years represent, are no longer Democrats.”

“Go to any college town, it’s a cluster of left-wing posters,” Carlson said. “Move out of the college town towards the impoverished areas, you’ll never see a Biden sign in front of a trailer in a rural area. This is a class conflict more than anything else. Biden doesn’t represent those people because they are no longer Democrats. So, once he beats Trump, if he does, he has kind of fulfilled his biological destiny at this point. And a lot of other constituencies in the Democratic party are going to say the obvious, which is that you don’t represent us, get off the stage. I think, again, volatility could follow fairly soon after Joe Biden’s election, if he’s elected.”

Carlson continues, “The leadership of the Republican party needs to understand that they now represent wage earners in this country. This is the working man’s party. It never has been, it is. Tell me the last time you saw a Range Rover with a Trump sticker on it, no. It says ‘Resist’ on the back of every Range Rover. Every pick-up truck says Donald Trump. Who are the people in the Range Rovers resisting? The guys hanging their drywall, who plumb their homes, who trim their trees. Again, the population has completely reoriented, but the parties, particularly the Republican party, will not acknowledge it. They still think they represent Silicon Valley, who hates them. So, that’s the change I’m looking for. No matter what the result is, the Republicans need to figure out who their voters are.”

Eric Levitz of New York Magazine wrote about this earlier this summer, stating, “Regardless, another significant way the GOP coalition is changing is that its voting base is becoming more working-class. And if this November does bring a ‘blue tsunami,’ that fact could theoretically have some bearing on how the Republican Party rebrands and rebuilds in the aftermath.”

Historically, the Democrats have always been seen as the party of the working-class. But as liberal, progressive ideas have exploded across college campuses across the country, that is no longer the case. Instead, like Carlson said, it has become the party of the elites and the exceptionally wealthy.

As an article by American Enterprise Institute states, “But the Democrats’ solicitude for the interests of the affluent in this case may not be the aberration it appears to be. It reflects the party’s long-term movement up the socioeconomic ladder — and shows why Democrats may find it impossible to reclaim their historical identity as a working-class party.”

The 2020 election results will, perhaps, reveal how the Republican Party continues to adjust to this new electorate, many of whom were likely brought in by Donald Trump.

Photo from Shutterstock


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